Edward Bransfield (1785-1852) Ship’s Master and Antarctic Explorer, from Ballinacurra, County Cork, Ireland. Leader of the first Expedition to see and chart the Antarctic Mainland on the 30th January 1820. Edward Bransfield (1785-1852) Ship’s Master and Antarctic Explorer, from Ballinacurra, County Cork, Ireland. Leader of the first Expedition to see and chart the Antarctic Mainland on the 30th January 1820.

Remembering Edward Bransfield project has two basic aims: to raise awareness of navigator and expedition leader Edward Bransfield both locally and internationally and to  place a monument to him in his birthplace of Ballinacurra, Cork, Ireland in January 2020 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his achievement of being the leader of the first expedition to make the first sighting of the Antarctic mainland. The monument was unveiled on Saturday the 25th January 2020. It is the first monument anywhere in the world to commemorate Edward Bransfield and his pioneering voyage of discovery. The committee was also successful in having Edward Bransfield commemorated on a national postage stamp as part of a series called ‘Icemen – Irish Antarctic Explorers‘ in 2021.

Edward Bransfield, the Irish-born navigator and commander of the expedition, is credited with making the first confirmed sighting and maps of the Antarctic mainland and arguably the continent 200 years ago. It was a discovery which began the era of Antarctic exploration later made famous by the exploits of Ross, Crozier, Borchgrevink, Amundsen, Scott, Shackleton and others.

Here is a podcast about our project, first broadcast on Irish national radio RTE 1 on Sunday 1st December 2019.


Jim Wilson (Chair), Liam O’Riordan (Secretary/Treasurer), Eugene Furlong (PRO), Michael Smith (Polar Historian and writer), David Stanton (TD/member of Irish Parliament), Ursula O’Mahony (Local Historian), John Ahern (Ballinacurra Tidy Towns), Tegwyn Stephenson.


Since the Remembering Edward Bransfield committee was formed one of our main aims has been to highlight Edward Bransfield’s profile and achievement. To this end we have been very successful. His story and the monument project have been covered in a wide number of media outlets. In Ireland on RTE national radio, local and regional radio stations. National newspapers such as the Irish Times, Sunday Independent and Irish Examiner. Heavyweight magazines like History Ireland and also local outlets and other Irish media such as Ireland’s Own, Hollybough, East Cork media, etc. Internationally his story and our project has featured in the The Times, ITV News,The Irish Post, UK Antarctic Heritage Trust’s Antarctic Times, James Caird Journal and Falklands Islands Journal.


Following a very successful fund raising campaign we reached our target through many generous donations and grants. We would like to thank all those who have contributed in any way and without whom we would not have been in a position to commemorate Edward Bransfield’s historic achievements. Our committee has agreed that once the project is complete if there are any funds remaining they will be donated to the RNLI.


The Edward Bransfield Committee is grateful for the widespread support and encouragement we have received from a wide range of corporate, institutional, public bodies and many private individuals. Some of our financial supporters wish to remain anonymous. Not all support was strictly financial and we are extremely grateful to everyone who contributed in many different ways and helped to make this project a reality.

Please click on our sponsors’ logos to learn more about the local councils, institutions and businesses who supported our project.